by Allen Herbert | Sep 7, 2021 | Aviation FAQs
Turboprops engines seem to add a level of complexity to their gauges that can be intimidating and difficult to interpret to pilots unfamiliar with the nomenclature and operating principles of turboprop engines. Any unfamiliarity with turboprop operation is...
by Allen Herbert | May 19, 2021 | Aviation FAQs
Image Credit Realtime weather reporting for aviation is a vital tool for pilot decision making and planning. Pilots have three primary types of real time or near real time weather reports available to them: ATIS, AWOS and ASOS. Distinguishing between these sources is...
by Allen Herbert | Apr 8, 2020 | Aviation FAQs, Pilot Advice
Pilots and passengers alike recognize that clouds are bumpy, even on otherwise smooth flying days. Sometimes it appears that the type of cloud itself is even irrelevant to the relative smoothness or bumpiness of a given cloud. Pilots benefit from being...
by Allen Herbert | Mar 17, 2020 | Aviation FAQs
Image Source Propeller driven aircraft require designers to choose early in the design process to use a pusher configuration or a puller configuration. Each layout has its advantages and disadvantages and as with all design choices selecting one or the other is...
by Allen Herbert | Feb 17, 2020 | Aviation FAQs
Whether you are a seasoned, new, or aspiring pilot, you likely have noticed that aircraft fuel tanks are commonly located in the wings instead of the main body or fuselage of aircraft. While high level consideration may attribute this to space concerns, there are...