by Tim Kramer | Oct 25, 2021 | Aviation FAQs, Pilot Advice
Many have been taught throughout the years that operating an aircraft engine oversquare is a very bad thing. Engine monitoring technology and teaching knowledge has advanced and oversquare operations are not quite as mysterious as they once were. Is...
by Tim Kramer | Sep 24, 2021 | Aviation FAQs
Engine RPM’s are the primary way to set power in aircraft without a constant-speed propeller. The manifold pressure gauge is a primary engine instrument used to set power in aircraft with constant-speed propellers. While propeller RPM’s are fairly intuitive to...
by Tim Kramer | Aug 31, 2021 | Aviation FAQs
The relationship between manifold pressure (MP) and propeller RPM is a complex one. The different combinations of manifold pressure and propeller RPM are what allow us to set accurate power settings and obtain the performance outlined within the PIlot’s...
by Tim Kramer | Aug 30, 2021 | Aviation FAQs
Image Credit The Turn and Slip Indicator and Turn Coordinator are very similar. In fact, the Turn and Slip Indicator and Turn Coordinator show some of the same data. But, there are important differences as well. What is the difference between the...
by Tim Kramer | Aug 30, 2021 | Aviation FAQs, Pilot Advice
The static air source is likely something we don’t think about very often and even less frequently do we consider the alternate static air source. Static air pressure is required for several instruments that are required for VFR and IFR flight. It is very important...