The best aviation flashcards on the market are almost here!

How Much Money Do Flight Instructors Make?

The airlines are a cool place to be. Or at least that’s what they keep telling me. As a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) I’m chasing the same goal as others: the coveted 1,500 hours to get to the airlines. Time and time again I get asked, “how much do flight...

Why Are Airplanes Riveted Instead Of Welded?

Anyone who is interested in aviation has noticed that most commercially produced aircraft have a very similar architecture. Although powered flight has been through many extraordinary changes in the past century, many of the basic structural characteristics remain...

Why Is 29.92 The Standard Altimeter Setting?

Standard pressure is 1013.25 hectopascals (hPa) which is equivalent to 29.92 inches of mercury (Hg). This setting is equivalent to the atmospheric pressure at mean sea level (MSL). Pressure altitude is primarily used in aircraft-performance calculations and in...